I once believed that I was lonely. I experienced a strong bodily contraction combined with unkind and painful thoughts that I believed in such as: I am useless. They should have invited me to that gathering. I don’t belong anywhere. Something is wrong with me. Of course, now from this perspective I can see that […]
Life is your partner (Non-duality)
Life tends to destroy our egos, as it is unpredictable and beyond our control. Nothing is excluded, our partners are not excluded from that larger life (or not having one), it all leads to the same place – your self-realization. More about it in this video:
The biggest obstacle to awakening (video)
What is one identity that is the hardest for people to let go of on their awakening journey? In my experience, that would be the image of being a ‘good person’, and many are stuck in this prison of what it means to be a good person. How to liberate yourself from this image and […]
Do dogs go to heaven? (Nonduality, awareness explored)
I made this video for all animal lovers. Hope it serves you. <3 https://youtu.be/b3Ls89vBPzA
Mind creates virtual reality, suffering and separation (video)
Life is all there is. Its vacuous essence permeates everything. When the body is born, there are no clear edges that separate it from Totality – with the birth of mind/ego this changes, and as the ego names everything, it creates separation, it creates others and it creates even ourselves (‘me’) as a dream characters […]
Longing is always for Self-Realization
Whether you are longing for a new partner, a better job, different place to live or even awakening, the root of all longing is our desire for Self-Realization. More about it and how to deal with longing in this video.
You are unlimited awareness and here is how to test it
A simple and direct way to see for yourself – who you really are.
Imagine you have just been born
Imagine you have just been born. You open your eyes and there is no past nor future, because you cannot conceptualize it. There is just this moment now, and you have no words to describe it. So when your eyes are open, how would you know, what is you and what is the world? And […]
Common Signs of Spiritual Awakening
If you are reading these lines, that probably means that you have at least some of these signs of spiritual awakening. Now, I don’t profess to be an expert in the field but having gone through the process myself and having worked with people who are on this awakening path, I will share my experience […]
When We Want Success
We believe we want success because we have heard that message so many times in our lives – everywhere, all the time. Success, success, success – this word is like a mantra of the modern world. And if the idea could be personified, I imagine this one would be a small, angry tyrant demanding its […]