We believe we want success because we have heard that message so many times in our lives – everywhere, all the time. Success, success, success – this word is like a mantra of the modern world. And if the idea could be personified, I imagine this one would be a small, angry tyrant demanding its […]
Tag: the work of byron katie

“I am attracting this” – is it true? (Set yourself free from the Law of Attraction)
Most of us who have been on this spiritual path have been exposed to the idea of the Law of Attraction and how our thoughts, beliefs and emotions create our reality, which is done consciously or unconsciously. While some people claim to have experienced great success in attracting positive circumstances to their life, this idea […]

Die Before You Die – Dissolution of Ego Through The Work of Byron Katie
“The only thing that is ever born is a thought. The only thing that ever dies is a thought. Thoughts rise and fall. Thoughts come to pass, not to stay. The worst thing that can ever happen is an uninvestigated thought appearing now.” Byron Katie Byron Katie is one of my favorite spiritual teachers. She […]